Woman passes away for 27 minutes then comes

Tina Hines was clinically dead for 27 minutes after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest while walking with her husband, Brian. Despite his CPR efforts, she remained


unresponsive. Paramedics tried multiple times to revive her, but she showed no signs of life. As her family prayed, her sister Tammy had an unexplainable feeling that Tina would survive. Miraculously, Brian later received a text: “Tina is alive!”

When Tina awoke in the ICU, she was weak but determined to communicate. She signaled for a pen and paper, writing the words, “It’s real.” When asked if she meant heaven, she nodded. Tina later described seeing Jesus and “the gates of heaven” bathed in a radiant yellow light.

Her survival without brain damage astonished doctors. Her niece later tattooed “It’s real” on her wrist, saying, “Her story is too real not to share and has given me a stronger confidence in a faith that so often goes unseen.”

Tina’s experience deepened her family’s faith and left many wondering—could heaven truly be real?


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